
Receiptify is the only tool you need where your Spotify data is converted into Spotify receipts in the form of attractive receipts of your top tracks, artists, and genres over different time periods. Released in 2020 by the developer Michelle Liu with the mission to present musical profiles in a new way, Receiptify has gained popularity among users because of its unique concept of user representation and stream analytics.

Now, let’s understand how you can get it, its primary features, other things you need to know, and how it outperforms Spotify’s own Wrapped reports to reveal musical trends that no other streaming service can offer.

If you have ever wished to listen to some old track and forgot the name, want to share your playlists with friends, or just want to get a broader view of what you listen to, Receiptify Spotify makes musical intelligence tangible. Keep on reading to get a brief on how this receipt-based method can be used to gain musical insights.

What is Receiptify

Receiptify Spotify Receipts of Last Month Last 6 Months and All Time

Receiptify is a web application by Michelle Liu that takes your Spotify listening history and generates receipts from it. It connects to your Spotify account and analyzes your streaming history to produce customized Spotify receipts displaying details like:

  • Top tracks & artists
  • Most listened-to genres
  • Total streams
  • Average song length

There are options that allow selecting the time period for the statistics to be displayed within the last month, the last 6 months, or all the time. This gives the output a clean look as if it is a receipt from a music store that you would frequent. However, instead of purchases, it shows your musical taste and your streaming activity through the utilization of Spotify API.

The format of the receipt has made the data more presentable with the songs as items purchased, the duration as the amount, and the total time as the total amount. Elements such as fake card details and crumpled paper as background also help give the receipt a realistic feel of a Spotify receipt.

Official NameReceiptify
Managed ByReceiptify Herokuapp
Portal TypeLogin

How To Get Receiptify

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get Receiptify to see your top Spotify tracks in a receipt format:

The Receiptify Herokuapp website with the _Log in with Spotify_ button highlighted

1. Open the Receiptify Herokuapp website.

Spotify login screen showing fields for username_email and password

2. Select the ‘Log in with Spotify’ button and you will be required to enter your Spotify details.

A permissions screen from Spotify asking the user to grant Receiptify access to their listening data

3. Grant permission for Receiptify to access your Spotify information. This enables it to analyze your listening history.

Receiptify screen with options to choose Top tracks, top artists, top genres etc

4. Select what you want your receipt to display; this can either be Top Tracks, Top Artists, Top Genres, Stats, or Search Albums.

Receiptify screen with options to choose time period and lenght

5. Choose a time frame – select Last Month, Last 6 Months, or All Time; and sort by the Top 10 or Top 50 tracks/artists.

The receipt will then be created by Receiptify depending on the selections made in terms of the most listened-to content in the user’s Spotify.

Download Receiptify receipt with a list of top songs, formatted like a store receipt

6. You can save the image of the receipt for future use or just share it with your friends on social networks.

Thus, with just a few simple actions, you can generates a unique Spotify receipt with a focus on the user’s favorite music. I think it is entertaining and helpful to know more about your listening activity and to show others the kind of music you like!

Sharing of Spotify Receipts on Social Media Platforms through Receiptify

Numerous people have used the social media platform to share their musical receipts from Receiptify Herokuapp where interesting trends in the friends’ listening behavior are revealed. A user kindly noted that the receipt he received from Spotify was a suggestion to reconsider his choice of audio, similar to a bill that displays expenses. A user noted that they shared a white noise playlist and it was the number one choice on the Spotify receipt summary, which made the user doubt the results of the chart.

Although many people have shared their musical profiles on various social networks, some might be puzzled about how to showcase these receipts on their profiles.

The process is simple. First, visit Receiptify and follow the above steps, thus your receipt will be generated. At the end of each page, there is what is called the ‘Download Image’ button. Thus, by clicking on it, the receipt becomes an image that one can upload wherever one chooses. In case the site is not open or you are using a phone, then take a screenshot.

Receiptify Spotify Features

Receiptify provides a host of useful features to show your Spotify profile beyond standard streaming statistics:

  • Flexible Time Analysis: Get rid of the one-year-only archive of Spotify Wrapped! Use Receiptify to look at your recent favorites over the last month, extended trends over the last six months, or your all-time favorites. Know how your preference changes and even a compete with friends.
  • Your Music, Your Personality: More than hit songs? Receiptify’s new AI Roast feature, What Your Music Says About You, is an AI-based quiz that provides a fun and appeasing interpretation of one’s tastes.
  • Make It Yours: Hmmm, is top 10 not enough for you? Would you like to view longer periods? Receiptify has options such as changing the number of tracks, periods, and even the appearance of the receipt such as the background for the best results.
  • Share the Fun: Receipt graphics for download as well as screenshot capabilities that are user-friendly are designed for sharing on social networks. Connect your musical choices with your friends, and share music trends and your personal choice of songs.

How Accurate is Receiptify Spotify Data?

Since Receiptify is based on the connection with the Spotify account, the insights it offers are highly trustworthy and reflect what is going on in your life. The option of custom visualizations is based on the same streaming statistics that can be found in the Spotify app itself; however, they are displayed in the receipt style rather than standard charts.

So you can trust the accuracy as much as Spotify’s own analytics, given there is no intermediate data transformation or cleansing. It’s a raw feed of your streaming history piped into engaging graphics.

The direct data connectivity explains why Receiptify receipts align so closely with people’s intuitive perception of their listening habits. The tracks and genres showcased typically align with one’s conscious musical memory.

That said, some slight discrepancies can occasionally emerge due to:

  • API lags – Brief delays syncing the latest streams
  • Cross-device playback – Music across multiple devices can cause duplicates

But these tend to be marginal issues affecting only recent listens. Overall, you can consider this web tool a trustworthy spotlight of your Spotify profile.

Is Receiptify Spotify Safe to Use?

When connecting any app to Spotify that analyses your personal data, security and privacy considerations rightly emerge. Here’s a breakdown of how Receiptify handles safety:

  • Read-only API access – Can only read your streaming history, not make changes
  • No data storage – Does not store tracks/info after generating receipts
  • Aggregated analytics – Data only processed anonymously in the aggregate to improve the web app
  • Secure platform – Hosted on trusted Heroku servers with SSL encryption

So, while it requires access privileges to your Spotify account similar to social sharing apps, it only leverages this permission to generate on-demand receipts summarizing your statistics. It cannot manipulate your profile or library in any way. Your listening activity data is not retained or shared, but rather processed fully anonymously if at all.

You can revoke Receiptify’s access anytime within Spotify, which will instantly prevent any further receipt creation. So you remain fully in control. For additional peace of mind, Receiptify’s web app code is also open-source on GitHub so transparency exists around exactly what’s happening behind the scenes.

How Does Receiptify Spotify Compare to Spotify Wrapped?

While Spotify Wrapped has become an iconic December tradition for reviewing annual listening trends, Receiptify brings some unique capabilities:

FeatureReceiptifySpotify Wrapped
Time FiltersFlexible rangesAnnual only
Data ViewsTop tracks/artists/genres etc.Top tracks/artists/genres/podcasts
Visual FormatReceipt aestheticVideo showcase
SharingDownloadable imageMostly in-app

What About Receiptify for Other Music Streaming Platforms?

Spotify integration provides the best experience; however, Receiptify also works with the Last app. fm. But, it does not have Apple Music in it anymore because of some of Apple’s policies concerning privacy.

It is almost the same – link the streaming account, allow the data access, and then you will see the top tracks in the receipt view. This means that the application is quite useful for music consumers, regardless of the platform they use.


Is Receiptify safe to use?

Yes, Receiptify pays attention to the user’s privacy and uses strong encryption and security measures. It does not keep any of your original streaming activity data, thus making it safe and private.

Can I access it without a Spotify account?

No, you need a Spotify Premium or a free Spotify account to use the platform.

Does it work for Apple Music?

No, Receiptify does not work for Apple Music any longer.

Can I generate a Receiptify receipt more than once?

You can generate as many Spotify receipts as you want.

Can I customize the look of my Receiptify receipt?

Yes, you do have the chance to customize the font styles, the metrics, and the period on the desired music data receipt.

Is There a Need to Pay for a Subscription?

No, at the moment, the platform does not have any charges for using the application, and there are no subscription plans.

Final Thoughts

Therefore, Receiptify provides music fans with a fun and creative way to display as well as share their Spotify activity. It has a clean and modern layout of a receipt that displays useful information on the users’ top artists, tracks, and genres.

These qualities such as user-friendly interface and data protection measures have played a role in the platform’s popularity. Users can easily generate and save music receipts and share them on social networks; besides, the service provides comprehensive information about users’ activity. Thanks to the frequent updates and respect for users’ privacy, Receiptify is a perfect choice for music enthusiasts who want to get a clear and aesthetically pleasing picture of their Spotify experience.

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