Michelle Liu The Developer Behind Receiptify

The Developer Behind Receiptify: Michelle Liu

Receiptify has become the new hype in the music industry and has turned the way we listen to music into receipts that can be shared with friends. But who is the creative brain behind this masterpiece? Now meet Michelle Liu, the developer who made the beauty of data her mission; how she did it is the subject of this article.

A Passion Project Sparks a Trend

This application was created in 2020 by Michelle Liu who is a software engineer and a master’s degree student at the Dietrich College, Carnegie Mellon University in Information Systems. What Liu did not have in mind was the creation of another social media fad. Originally, it was just a fun little project by her, who wanted to see her own Spotify listening habits represented in the form of a receipt.

The creator of Receiptify took inspiration from the Instagram page @albumreceipts on which albums are depicted in the form of receipts. Following this aesthetic and her love for data, she coded the tool in roughly 14 hours for a creative coding club application. The response was overwhelming. This is evident in a web tool that was released by her and within the first twenty-four hours it had been employed more than a million times!

From Side Project to Global Phenomenon

This is why when Receiptify started to gain immense popularity, Liu was left at the head of a fast-growing trend. She accepted it and developed the tool to meet the new needs of the increasing number of users. Weekend hobby had turned into a full-time job and yet Liu remained fully committed to the project.

A Developer’s Journey

As for the appearance of the application, Liu was helped by her passion for design and software engineering background, which became the basis for Receiptify. The visuals of the receipts were designed by her to the extent of being artistic while at the same being informative. Liu also emphasized that the tool should be user-friendly and as such, designed it in a simple manner.

The Future of Receiptify

So, what is the future of Michelle Liu and Receiptify after Receiptify became a cultural product? While she’s keeping her exact plans under wraps, one thing is certain: She has not stopped with that though. Liu is always working on new strategies to improve the app and the user experience, adding new features and trying to reach more users and other platforms.

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